Sister Mary Hart Children’s Program
We offer an After-School Program and a Summer Camp, which were both founded in the 1970s by Sister Mary Hart, RGS. Our program’s mission is embodied in our Good Shepherd philosophy that “one child is of more value than a world.” At our program, children are reminded of their amazing potential, while being given a community to help with their academic, social, and emotional needs. We strive to provide a safe, supportive, nurturing, and enriching environment for the children we serve. The Sister Mary Hart Children’s Program is open to all children regardless of religious background.
In our After-School Program our students spend time enjoying a snack, doing their homework, reading, creating projects, and participating in STEM programs. They also play inside and outdoors, and use the computers in the STKD Timothy Smith Network lab for both education and play. Through our partnerships with Boston College and Emmanuel College, college volunteers help us provide individualized tutoring for each child. The children are enriched by the relationships they develop with the tutors and by the academic help they receive. We believe that each child has the drive and creativity necessary to succeed in school and we want to ensure that each child feels empowered to succeed.
At our Summer Camp, which runs for five weeks, we have about 50 campers each day whose time in the camp is filled with play, reading, outdoor activities, STEM activities, field trips, and lots of fun. Over the course of the summer, our campers have opportunities to further the development of a range of skills, including teamwork, self-advocacy, literacy, and computer, as well as an expanded cultural awareness, all of which contribute to their success beyond camp and in the classroom.
- The Sister Mary Hart Summer Camp – We are looking forward to the first day of camp on July 12th at the Parish Center! You will notice our new canopy in the side yard which will be used throughout the four weeks for outdoor programming. Even though we are at camper capacity, we will accept names for our Wait List. Contact Julie McGovern at 978-376-3715 with any questions.

St Katharine Drexel Parish Center
175 Ruggles Street
Roxbury, MA 02120
Julie McGovern, Ex. Director
Amritha Toulon, Operations Director
phone: 978-376-3715