Parish Councils
Parish Pastoral Council
Purpose: To assist the pastor in his leadership role of planning, organizing, initiating, promoting, coordinating and reviewing the evangelization, worship, religious education and service activities within the parish. (Eighth Synod, Archdiocese of Boston)
Chairperson: Rev. Oscar J. Pratt, II
Vice-Chairperson: Sr. Mary Henrietta Domingo, EHJ
Liaison with Parish Finance Council: Mr. Gerry Lake
Ms. Moy Calder-Arneaud
Sr. Tess Browne, SCN
Mr. Meyer Chambers
Pauline Coulter
Rev. Anthony Nweke,CSSp
Mr. Felix Okwesa
Ms. Felicia Richard
Parish Finance Council
Purpose: This Council is comprised of competent members of the Christian faithful selected according to the norms of canon law to aid the pastor in the administration of parish goods.
Pastor: Rev. Oscar J. Pratt, II
Chair: Ms. Joe-Ann Fergus
Business Manager: Mr. James Heffernan
Romanus Ajaero
Robert Credle
Damaris Johnson
Gerry Lake
George Montgomery
Rev. Anthony Nweke,CSSp
Felix Nwobasi
Lorraine Valentine