Children, Youth and Young Adults
“Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14
Children and young people are not solely the Church of the future, they are very much an integral part of the Church now.
FOR THE CHILDREN the ministry is focused primarily on sacramental preparation.
YOUTH MINISTRY is comprised of teenage youth. The focus of formation in this ministry is to create experiences that will lift words off the pages of Scripture and help them come to life through service and social interaction.
YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY reaches out to those in their 20s and 30s. This ministry seeks to accompany young people as they transition into a more mature understanding and practice of their faith.

To enroll children in the program, please contact Benjamin and Porshai from numbers above or call the Parish Center 617-445-8915.
To get involved with Youth and Young Adult Ministry, please contact Benjamin and Porshai from numbers above or call the Parish Center 617-445-8915.